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Advance Northumberland Commence Bedlington Market Place Development
Advance Northumberland have reached a key milestone for Bedlington Town Centre with work having started on the development of a new Aldi store and surrounding highway infrastructure.
Advance Northumberland completed the sale of land to Aldi in March with work already started to build out the new 19,000sqft store and car park with the new store set to open for Christmas. Supermarket chain Aldi will form the integral part of this exciting scheme in the heart of Bedlington town centre, delivering a 19,000sqft food store, creating local jobs when the planned branch is complete.
The work will continue with the demolition of 9 Market Place, to make way for new build to commence this summer. Thompsons of Prudhoe have been appointed to do the demolition. Site set up has already started with work due to commence during June with completion early August. The redevelopment of the Market Place will see a new retail terrace constructed with apartments above. (Greggs will continue to occupy its existing property and continue to trade throughout the development).
These first phases of development will act as a catalyst for further development in the town centre with the new Market Place providing exciting new opportunities for both local and national businesses to establish in the heart of Bedlington Town Centre. The project received £2m from government’s Getting Building Fund, which is managed in the region by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Working on behalf of Northumberland County Council, Advance Northumberland is leading in the delivery of the new development that will reposition Bedlington as a retail destination, improving amenities and giving local people greater choice. Once completed it is estimated that the combined schemes will create over 180 new jobs along with 70 construction jobs.
Luke Allsop, Property Director at Aldi, said: “We’re pleased to have completed the purchase of our site in Bedlington and are grateful for the significant local support received throughout the planning process. Once open, the store will create up to 35 jobs and help local people shop and save closer to home. We have begun site preparations and will keep the community updated on developments”.
Richard Wearmouth, Chair of Advance Northumberland said: “The project is central to the regeneration of Bedlington Town Centre, we are delighted to announce a commitment to the scheme and provide much needed new retail amenities for local people. Aldi will provide a resurgence to the town centre retail offer and will drive footfall to support and attract other retailers. We have put a significant amount of resources into this development, demonstrating our commitment to deliver the best possible outcome for Bedlington”.
The Getting Building Fund is part of government’s package of financial support to kick-start the economy, create jobs and help areas facing the biggest economic challenges as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Andrew Moffat CBE, Chair of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership Investment Board, said: “As well as delivering immediate jobs during the construction phase, the regeneration of Bedlington Town Centre will create more long-term jobs in our region, and attract further investment in the future too.
“This is one of a number of initiatives the North East LEP is investing in across Northumberland through the Getting Building Fund programme. Each project is creating opportunities for businesses to grow, which is helping to boost the regional economy and deliver our aim of creating 100,000 more and better jobs.”
All enquiries in these new opportunities should be directed to Barker Proudlove at mark@barkerproudlove.co.uk
The North East LEP region was awarded £47m through the Getting Building Fund with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership increasing the fund to £55m by releasing an additional £8m from the North East Investment Fund.
The projects put forward for the North East LEP area are expected to create more than 4,000 construction and permanent jobs; unlock more than 19,000 sqm of commercial space; assist more than 3,000 learners; improve or construct 4.2km of roads, cycle lanes and walkways; and further strengthen the North East’s green energy sector.
For more information about the Getting Building Fund, visit www.gov.uk.
For more information about the North East LEP, visit www.northeastlep.co.uk.
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